Friday, April 23, 2010


I think I could say for the first time in my life, that I didn't regret what happened while I was 18. I never told anyone who he is, but yesterday I just did and I'm glad I did. Sharing with people gives you perspectives and now I look at it in a totally different way.

People could look for years and never felt what I have felt once. She said she'd love to feel it the way I did and I think perhaps it wasn't such a bad thing after all. To feel, that's what being human is all about.

I don't think I'll ever find such perfect person. I've been in denial every time but I guess I always knew, secretly =)

But I'm not looking anyway. When I thought I could've accepted people into my heart (almost, but not yet), his heart is divided. Some said I should be mad, (hell people wonder why I'm not freaking out or worse, crushed after what's happened) but I guess I can't be mad because I've already cared for him, as a friend.

Let it finds me, the way it did before. I might want to feel it once again, perhaps or maybe not. If someone's worth it, then maybe it will happen. But for now, I'm just so looking forward to next semester where I won't be seeing him. (Not that I don't have his number or Facebook or YM ;P)

These past few days have hurt me a bit and also lifted me in every way possible and I ♥ it =)


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About This Blog

This is just a place for me to write stuff.
I'm an open book, but with hidden compartments and missing pages somewhere along the way.

In the future, I'd like to read this again and laugh of the things I've put for myself to discover =P

About The Layout

Much like my life, the layout lacks straight lines including the borders, etc. I want to make it look sketchy because I love to draw. It involves some painstaking efforts trying to come out with the design plus a lot of help on the coding

The piano, the musical notes, the stars, the effects, the graphics represent some part of me. Dream and passion. =P

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