A Week In My Life 1
I think I'll be doing posts like this from now on. So much things happened and so many things I've forgotten. Perhaps it's a good idea to write them to keep track of my life.
This week has been pretty exhausting. I got three deadlines for assigments and presentation plus a test. Since I hadn't had a good sleep for three days, the result were natural smokey eyes (or eye bags as some might call them) :-PMy horrified expression as I looked into the mirror and noticed the eye bags. I forgot to draw the glasses though :-P My eyes were irritated so couldn't wear the contacts.
They looked really bad and I was trying to cover it up with eyeliner and foundation but then it got smudged and guess what, it tripled the effect of the smokey eyes ha ha. I got stared at by some group of curious people as I walked down the stairs to the ladies. It was pretty embarrassing (-_-)
Note to self: Eyeliner can betray you!
My CTU presentation was a disaster, like most of my classmates. We were supposed to present in Malay, but unfortunately, all that came out was 'bahasa rojak' or mixed up language. I think mine was a fusion of Malay with some English and Malay-nized words with a few pauses here and there trying to come out with the right Malay translation of words like 'to value something', etc.
I guess it's a proof of how second language acquisition could interfere with first language (don't mind the superfluous terms, I had nights doing Linguistic paper so now my brain is like linguistic, linguistic, linguistic ha ha -_-). Hey, I could include it in my future Linguistic research!
I had tours at 5 high schools around Shah Alam: SMK Sec. 2, 7, 9, 16, and 18. They were actually for the purpose of our team's research, but then since we were denied access (a not-so-long story but malas nak cite), we ended up spending our time looking around and taking pictures instead (like a group of excited tourists) ha ha.A fancy school with it's own broadcasting team. One of my friend's an ex-student here. Makes me wonder if I wouldn't be much of a 'kaki ponteng' kid if my school had looked more like this than a bunch of cemented blocks haha (excuses hah!) :-P
Saw the cutest cat ever in the Guard's Station at one of the schools. Wish we could kidnap and rear it in our college hahah
Nice view around the school
Another school we got to visit. This one looked more like a typical school in Malaysia :-P
My foot still hurts from the walking and the injury I got on the first night of Raya (again, malas nak cite) :-P At least we managed to distribute some questionnaires on the second day of our 'tours'. We even went to JPNS a.k.a. Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Selangor at Shah Alam. This is the waiting area in front of the counters. Looks like an open cafe
Stopped at Sec. 2 and saw this. A typical Malaysian attitude of hiding rubbish away. Poor tree -_-
I took a test for Counselling paper on Friday morning and it was a disaster as well. I was like, what the heck. I can't recall half the things on the questions from the notes given. So, now I'm the antonym of 'so alive' ( ̄▽ ̄)
Nevertheless, I had a blast at a friend's open house after the test. She's very generous to pick us up from Mawar (our college) to her house in TTDI. So many friends came and it was a fun memory. Her mom's cooking were awesome and the Raya cookies were the best! ~yum yum~ There were these chocolate cookies that were soo scrumptiously delicious. I couldn't stop eating them and the next thing I knew, my friend was like, "Wonder who loves the cookies so much" and I noticed that the cookie jar was half empty :-P
Thanks so much, S! :-D
I've been passing through a lot of expensive properties around Shah Alam while I was traveling inside the car (my friend's car, to be precise :-P). The houses / villas / bungalows look like it's gonna take me my whole life to actually buy one, if I'm lucky enough LOL. Wonder how life's like for these super rich people.
Overall, this first week of lectures since Raya break was, fun! I just hope one thing would happen, and I'm not gonna tell what :-P
Note2self: Watch your diet!
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