Goodbye, Good Times
So it’s been 5 days since we entered 2010. It’s a new decade for all and it was especially significant for me. I’m leaving my teenage years and this year, I shall be turning 20.
The long semester break had just ended yesterday. I had the most awesome time. Although I quiet enjoy my student life; with friends, lectures, and yes, STRESS; I’m still gonna long for the life of leisure, fun, and free time I’ve been living for the past weeks.This photo was taken when we went to my Uncle’s house. I’ve never actually been to a paddy field before haha. We spent some time there and ate some freshly roasted fishes. It was also a fishermen’s town and we were taken to see the boats and all. It’s a new experience for me =P
bought some new shoes while I was at Sunway Pyramid with my pals. It‘s actually been quite some time since I’ve bought some new footwears. I’m not very much of a shoe person since it was hard to find the right shoes that would fit perfectly on my giant feet XD We also tried archery for the first time. I totally suck at it lol
PC Fair was held on December 6th this year. My brother and I went to look around. I was planning to look for a tablet PC or any cool laptop for me but didn’t find the right one. It was our first time going and we’ll probably come around next time if we need to look for some gadgets
I bought all these baju kurung at Jalan Tar for some very cheap prices. We actually went to SOGO first where my friends bought this really cute pair of shoes for less than RM20. It was the year-end-sale and I was like “Eh?! I so wish I hadn’t already bought so many shoes at Sunway last time” Haha But it was, nevertheless, mission accomplished. I needed to wear these every Monday and Friday at the campus so it was lucky I got to buy decent looking ones at some reasonable deals hoho XP
Thank GOD I was on a break so I could attend this year's Comic Fiesta. Check out my previous blog entry about it here. It was a super awesome event and we had a really great time
Some of the cosplayers from CF made me want to watch Ouran High School again haha. I still enjoyed it even after watching it a couple of times before. It’s definitely one of my most favourite anime of all time XD
ARENA food Court’s ABC Special. I suddenly had the craving for something cold even after spending two hours inside the freezing theatre. I was with my high school friends. One of my friends generously paid for all of our tickets haha
Sherlock holmes was amazing
I drew and then scanned it before coloring it using photoshop. I’m really bad at this and I want to learn more but it was FUN.
I think I’d improved a bit on my Japanese, especially on conjugating verbs and stuff. I wish I could’ve memorized more Kanjis though. Japanese is so much fun! Oh, and I’d found a better website for RAW mangas, Yay! Note: RAW manga means uncooked manga which refers to manga that has not been translated into another language yet from it’s original language, Japanese =PI like some of Yui’s music. She’s got good voice and cool style. I can finally play Rolling Star on piano XD
I was indulging myself with Jane Austen’s novels this break. Imagine I’d only finished Pride and Prejudice now after all these years haha. Mansfield Park was good too. All the good novels made me miss reading so I started looking back at my old time favourite, Enid Blyton’s The Famous Five, lol. I could never be too old to read her amazing books. Not many of my friends know this, but I think I was really like George and perhaps still a bit like her =P
As you can see, this blog has got a new layout! I spent a lot of time on this and it was worth it. I wanted it to look like sketches with less straight lines, a nice header and there was also the piano graphic at the bottom which I did with photoshop as well as the animated musical notes also done with photoshop. The outermost part was the hardest part since Web 2.0 doesn’t support two background images so I used layered div instead. Painful codings -__- I loved the hover effects and the overall feel and colour. There are things which reflects myself and so I called the theme, Dream Pieces =)
Unfortunately, I didn’t get to online much during the break, especially towards the end. Streamyx was down with its constant occasional problem again but this time it was the worst. Not being able to go online was bad enough, but I was extremely frustrated since I couldn’t register for my courses. Thanks to that, I’m stuck with a terrible timetable for the whole upcoming semester >_<Mei-chan no Shitsuji was cool~ I watched the whole series and it was sweet and fun. I miss Gokusen, Hana Kimi, One Litre of Tears, etc. More J-dramas please~ XD
Finished Code Geass season 1. Haish I’m so late. I can’t wait to see Lelouch on season 2. I hope he won’t end up the tragic hero like the awesome Kira-sama haha. Please, more seeders
All the hassles of the renovation that was going on at my house resulted in the new look of my bedroom. Now the ceiling was lower because of the attic built on top of it. But, I think it was okay and I got nothing to complain except maybe during the whole period of renovation where the couch was my bed and the living room became my lair hahahaSpent a lot of time here, family's eating out lol. My cousins and nephews were around the state and we went to watch 'Old Dogs'. It was hell of a funny movie XD
Environmentally friendly, and kinda cute if viewed from a distance. It's one of this year's Aeon's Christmas decoration. They also had that Christmas tree made out of hundreds, or more likely thousands of plastic bottles haha. They're proudly flaunting a giant approval from Malaysia's Book of Record besides their tallest recyclable Christmas tree =D
OMG I spent a LOT on these. The clothes at BTS were so cheap. I went there twice during the break; one was on the last day of 2009. Oh, The New Year haha
So the end of 2009 marked the beginning of 2010 and the pending ending of the wonderful break lol. I haven’t watched the news, played any video games, back-up the computer, or updated my blog much for a while during the free times I had. Sadly, I also didn’t get to read more on my favourite mangas or watch more anime haha. Well, I’ll be able to do that even once the break’s over. Let’s hope the next semester’s gonna be a smooth ride XD
p/s: Let’s loose the holiday’s pounds
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