Saturday, May 8, 2010

Okay, I did cry lol

I cried a lot in fact, considering the fact that I never let myself cry when I'm sad, let alone let anyone see it or admit that I cried because of someone. I was driving again, and it was night and it all seemed gloomy on the road. Then, there was an accident which distracted me from crying. Well, I'm not involved in it but I sure hope whoever was on that badly, dilapidated motorcycle was, well, alive and recovering. There's just no way that one could walk out from that unscratched.

But a friend really lifted my spirit afterwards. We talked, we hugged and we hope. I know next semester's going to be a fresh start =)

My car got tailed while on the way back home. So much for me being cocky but my mom was right from the start. I guess girl driving alone at night is kinda risky. I should put on some disguise later on, borrow my bro's jacket and put on a hat, then I'll be good to go =D

I think it was karma again. I hate those stupid guys anyway. Next time I should learn how to loose a tailing car.

It was an experience although not a lucky one unfortunately. I can't wait for exam to be over so I can start my life again lol. That sounded wrong but I guess that's just the way I feel. I kinda miss talking to someone but well, we can't stay close friends with everyone especially after whatever the hell happened. I just want a fresh start and find my lost way this holiday hahaha

And for that I need money!
What's money got to do with finding your lost way?
Sorry can't tell ya ;-P

Wallet, please be magically filled with cash =P


Unknown May 8, 2010 at 11:52 AM  

crying is fine. ;)
it doesn't make you appear weak, it makes you human.

one more thing, if you get tailed again, just drive to a police station, you're sure to lose em. xDD

Anonymous May 10, 2010 at 1:24 AM  

i wish the road to the police wasn't even spookier and deserted -_-

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This is just a place for me to write stuff.
I'm an open book, but with hidden compartments and missing pages somewhere along the way.

In the future, I'd like to read this again and laugh of the things I've put for myself to discover =P

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Much like my life, the layout lacks straight lines including the borders, etc. I want to make it look sketchy because I love to draw. It involves some painstaking efforts trying to come out with the design plus a lot of help on the coding

The piano, the musical notes, the stars, the effects, the graphics represent some part of me. Dream and passion. =P

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